
Edison Robot V2.0


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The Edison Robot is an affordable, smart robot that brings programming and robotics to the classroom. Edison was made by Australians, and they built it for educators in the classroom, so it’s loaded with impressive features that will make your lessons more engaging. There is a tonne of resources available, all linked with the National Curriculum too, so it’s the tool you need for programming and STEM in the Australian classroom.

  • All ages – The Edison is a robot built for all ages. You won’t need a different tool for each stage, Edison is designed to be a perfect fit for all students.
  • The perfect STEM Tool – It’s not a myth, Edison is loaded with sensors, follows lines, communicates with other Edisons, avoids obstacles, and lots more.
  • Affordable – The Edison is the perfect platform to get that heralded 1 robot per student in your classroom with its incredibly enticing price point.
  • Scratch and block-based Programming – Any Primary educator knows that block-based coding is essential in teaching the foundations of coding.
  • Python – Future-proof your STEM program with the option to code in Python, the worlds most used coding language. If there’s one language that everyone should learn, it’s Python.
  • Modular/Expandable – The Edison is modular and LEGO compatible, you can add LEGO blocks to your robot as well as additional sensors and boards to increase its capabilities.
  • Resources for Australian Educators – There are so many resources that come with your Edison, all available free, that we can’t list them here. Scroll down for links galore!

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