Minimum instruction execution time 0.5 ?s
Supply voltage
Mask ROM version 1.8 to 5.5 V
One Time PROM version 2.5 to 5.5 V
Timer 1 8-bit timer with a reload register
Timer 2 8-bit timer with a reload register
Timer 3 8-bit timer with a reload register
Timer 3 8-bit timer with two reload registers
Interrupt 7 sources
Key-on wakeup function pins 10
A/D converter 10-bit successive comparison method, 2ch
Voltage drop detection circuit
Reset occurrence Typ. 1.5 V (Ta = 25 °C)
Reset release Typ. 1.6 V (Ta = 25 °C)
Watchdog timer
Clock generating circuit
LED drive directly enabled (port D)
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